Monday, June 27, 2005

Ready to Talk About It

On Sunday, our 3 year old pushed our two year old down 1 stair which resulted in the break of poor Moriah's arm. I must admit that it didn't REALLY hit me that it was broken and what all that meant until last night she was crying and trying to get her sling off. It just broke my heart and all I have felt like doing is crying since then. Thankfully, we were able to get a dr. appt with the bone doctor for today. Our appt was for 10:30, but I arrive at 9:30 because I was so worried that I might miss the appt (as it was in a place I had never been before) and that my poor little girl would have to suffer longer than necessary. We were able to be seen at 9:35!! Praise the Lord!

Being the girl that she is, she of course chose PINK for her cast color. She did really well. Scared and screaming at first (because two strange people were handling her). But then I got her to touch the first layer of the cast (the soft cottony part they put on before they put the cast on), and she calmed down. She kept touching it and saying "soft" and "pretty" because those were the words I was using while trying to comfort her. Then came the pink cast. She looked in wonder and amazement at them putting on the cast. She didn't cry at all anymore.


They had to shape the cast. They squeezd right on the part of the cast where her arm was broken. :( I could not hold back the tears because I knew that was painful to her. But as soon as the ssqueezing was over she was fine again.

*I am thankful it is her left arm instead of her right (she is right handed).
*I am thankful that she has a high-pain tolerance
*I am thankful that the break is not worse
*I am thankful for an early doctor appointment
*I am thankful that it will heal quickly (the doctor said that it should be healed in four weeks and that by Christmas we won't even know or remember anything had happened).
*I am thankful that this will teach her about the power of prayer
*I am thankful Moriah is so forgiving (she keeps hugging Eleora)
*I am thankful Moriah is so pleasant about all of this

Everytime she falls down (still getting used to the weight of it), she falls right on it and begins to cry in pain. I do however LOVE how she gives me hugs and swings that huge pink cast around my neck. I took lots of pictures (got to have something for my new favorite hobby of digital scrapbooking). I am going to make this one for my faithbook.

It has been difficult to forgive our 3yo. I do love her, and I love on her, and I know that she didn't mean to break her sisters arm. Eleora is just as sweet as can be. But it will be a long time, I fear, before I am not so watchful of her.

I will post pictures soon.

Sweet Rebecca (on digital scrapbooking)

For those of you who don't know (and she may not even know it herself), Rebecca (her link is the top one in the other blogs you might be interested in) has been an inspiration and encouragement to me when it comes to blogging. THANK YOU REBECCA!

I still don't know enough about blogging to answer your questions. (Do I reply in the comments or goto your blog and personally email you, etc.??) LOL!

As for digital scrapbooking, yes you can print out the pages. As to my understanding, you can also print out the 12 x 12 layouts. Have I done it? Not yet. Partly because I am scared and partly because I don't know how and partly because we are moving and I don't want to have to worry about one more thing to pack! LOL!. BUT DSP is GREAT with it's help! There is a section on how to print and all you have to do is ask how in the forums and those ladies are so great to SWARM you with answers! :D

As for printing mine out, I am prolly going to load mine up into iPhoto (a program that comes with all new Mac computers) and then send away for a book (they will print it all out and bind it all up with a hardcover and make it look so pretty). Then I can have duplicate copies made for family members (grandma needs her brag book doesn't she?) :D And of course I do plan on putting them into a slideshow and setting it to music and adding it to the home movie I make each year for family and friends.

The ocean theme is my first 12x12, everything else has been 8.5 x 11 so I can print it out. I actually plan on printing some out and framing them (as we have been wanting to get more Scripture up and around the house). And I plan on printing some out as announcements (like of Moriah's dedication - which I am so glad you liked, it was actualy the result of the weekly Scripture challenge - my first one).

Also, I don't know if anyone has noticed, but I added a link to get directly to my gallery on the right hand side. I will let everyone know when my gallery is updated by changing the date there.

There is also a current discussion on faithbooking! I had never heard of this before. There is a lot of info out there. I plan on doing this becuase it is so easy for me to forget the goodness and mercy of the Lord. This will be a great way to REMIND myself of His loving-kindess!

If any one who reads this joins (or already has an account with DSP), PLEASE let me know your username! I would LOVE to check out YOUR pictures and layouts!

Friday, June 24, 2005

My New Favorite Thing

I used to love scrapbooking. I wasn't very good at it, but I enjoyed what I did, and the girls always enjoyed looking through the books. And I always hated the fact that when I looked through my momma's photo albums, I didn't know who it was or where they were or what they were doing. So when our first daughter was born, I started scrapbooking. I knew that one day, she would look back and know what I was thinking and feeling. She would know all the places she had been, and so on.

Well, fast forward three years and everything went digital. I don't have a single print of our third daughter (although I have HUNDREDS of pictures of her. But with digital, you take WAY more pictures because ... well... YOU CAN! :)

But it was such a trial to go through and find the pictures I liked and print them out and then crop them and all.

So I turned to home movies and slideshows. For those of you who have a Macintosh computer (congrats!), making movies is SO EASY (and extremely FUN!).

That satisfied my scrapbooking urge ... for a while.

But I will still missing telling my story. And the creativity that comes with the layouts in a scrapbook.

The Digital Scrapbook Place

WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! I learned of this site through the MOMYS emails (I am only a RO MOMYS at the time, but prayerfully God will bless us again). There are SEVERAL Christian women on this site. They share their pictures (and they even have a Scripture layout contest weekly!!).

Oh, I cannot express my JOY at finding this site!! Registration is FREE! If you want to see pictures of me and my family, be sure to use my user name (lvg4him). I only have three layouts done (my first three EVER), but I am learning and growing and having so much fun!

They also have FREE tutorials and FREE kits!! They do have classes and a store that you can pay for (which I plan to do once we move and get settled into our new house).

I also plan on turning my scrapbook pages into slideshows set to music (combining my two passions of digital - scrapbooking and movie making).

I hope that this has encouraged/inspired you to check it out. I know you will be so glad you did!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Lessons From My Daughter

Yesterday my husband did something that hurt all of our feelings (and I am sure that there have been more than enough times that I have done the same). The girls were very loving and affectionate towwards him even though they had just been hurt by him. They were excited that he was with them and wanted to be with him.

Later that night, while he was playing checkers with our oldest, he came in the room and said that he felt distant from everyone, everyone except our oldest.

I had to think about that. Why would he feel distant from me and not from our oldest?

Then I realized that I was uncourisouly pushing him away by the fact that I was not going out of my way to be with him. My oldest wanted to play games with him. She wanted to hug and kiss him. She wanted his company and showed it.

I, on the other hand, didn't want to kiss or hug him. I didn't want to play a game with him (although I would have if he asked). I didn't want his company, although I would have been fine if he were in the room. My daughter sought him out to be with him, and I just did my own thing and if he was there, that was fine.

I did all the right things that I couldl think of:
I didn't nag him like I usually do.
I didn't rub in the wrong he had done.
I didn't try to correct him.
I didn't play the Holy Spirit.

But there were things I should have done that I didn't:
I should not have acted so hurt, but shouldl have been more joyful.
I should have loved on him more.
I should have let him know that I enjoy his company.

Learning to love my husband is a process that is lieflong! We have been married almost 9 years and I am still learning to love him as I should and as he needs.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

My Mom (techinically my MIL)

I am so blessed to have a mother in law that I can call mom. We really do have a very loving relationship.

And while she is not perfect (who is?), she has still been an inspiration to me of what it means to be a good help meet.

She is almost a perfect example of what Mrs. Pearl conveys a Help Meet is.

Today I saw two examples in her. The first was that she already had her hair done up for the day, and my girls (video chatting over the computer) commented on how pretty her hair was and they started trying to touch it. Granddad (FIL) started touching her hair in a plyful way (but not really going in and messing it up, just lightly playing with it). My mom just sat there and smiled and laughed right along with the rest of us. It was so honoring to him! It really blessed me!

The second example (all this in just the five minutes we were video chatting) was that my girls started blowing her kisses. She started acting like they blew her away "POW! I cought one. POW! I caught another one!" We were all in stitches. OH how I wish I had that kind of JOY!

That is one of the things that has always stuck out about my inlaws from the very beginning - their love and honoring of one another and their JOY. I can only pray that I continue to change to be more like that!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Would YOU Be Allowed to Live?

I find it VERY interesting that in the book of Job, God allowed Satan basically to do anything (except kill him) to Job and take everything away from him. Satan took all Job's possesions away, his children away, his servants away, his livestock away, most EVERYTHING away, but he left one thing that I find very interesting. He took EVERYTHING from Job EXCEPT his ...


Now why on earth would Satan take away everything that was precious to Job and leave his wife not only alive, but not harmed in any way? Look at how Job's wife behaves! It is almost like she is working for Satan. She is doing nothing to encourage her husband. She is putting him down. She is nagging him. She is trying to get him to curse God and die.

I wonder if Satan were allowed free reign on my husband if he would let me live?

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Lessons in Humility

Lesson One:
I must admit, that I hate to admit, that I never thought of myself as, but I truly am, a prideful woman. I am so thankful, though, for a God who humbles me (in ways that aren't TOO difficult to swallow).

I have been reading some of the other blogs written by women who are on some of the boards I am on. I thought I knew so much about blogging and stuff, but then I look at their sites and they are beautiful! Lots of pictures, nice background, cool links, and on and on. My page, content included, is pretty boring compared to that! LOL!!

So I am going to try to learn HOW they did that (feel free to give me some pointers in the comments section!). Make my page more pleasing to the eye. And share the things that make me look bad (as well as the things that make me look good).

Lesson Two:
I also have learned that I just do not know how to keep house. Another lesson in humility is that my husband is better at keeping house than I am. I never really thought about how dishonoring and unpleasing that is to my husband until after reading the Help Meet book by Debi Pearl.

We are preparing our house to move. That in and of itself is a lesson as we realize we have been horders and storing up worldy items instead of heavenly rewards. Our realtor (a good friend of ours who helped us buy this house six years ago) came through and said a lot of decluttering needed to be done, along with a lot of cleaning, and some painting. He suggested to hire cleaners (sounds good to me!) because I am a busy mom with packing and decluttering the whole house.

As I was looking at what exactly they do, I thought, "I can do that." The only problem is I don't know how. My mother never taught me. So I mentioned to my husband about flying up his grandma to help me and TEACH me HOW to clean. He said that he could teach me.

That is true. My husband's mother made him and his sister and brother clean house every Saturday. Since it is my God-given responsibility to be a keeper at home, I must admit that it is VERY humbling to have your husband show you how to clean.

Lesson Three:
Now that my oldest one is five, I find her doing more and more things I disapprove of. For the most part, she is a wonderful young lady that is striving to please me. But there are times when she is selfish or lazy. And it is humbling to realize that she is mirroring ME. Those are MY traits that I have passed down to her.

I need to remember to be a livinvg example of the Living LORD to her if I want her to grow up to let Jesus shine in her. It is amazing how much of an unspoken influence I have on her. I tell her about what God wants and what the Bible says is expected of our behavior and heart, and yet some of my actions are contradictory to God's word. I know we are all sinners, and I could try to exaplin that to my daughter. But there definately has to be a CHANGE in ME if I want her to know God is REAL.

I know that God has many more lessons more me. I am so thankful for that! If He didn't I would start worrying! But I think that I will stop with these three for now (as my brain is fried just trying to comprehend all the changes I need to make.

Thanks for listening.