Monday, December 26, 2005

Our Christmas (and more)

What a WONDERFUL Christmas we had! We reenacted the Christmas story as Daddy read from the Bible. The girls even adlibbed (sp?) a lot. It was so great! Then time to find the hidden nail on the tree (see previous post). Our oldest found it and was so excited to tell us about what the nail meant. It reminds us that even though we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ today that His birth had a purpose (resulting in His death and ressurection for our sins).

Then the opening of gitfs. The children were so pleased with their gifts (given to suit their hobbies at this time: drawing, sewing, baking). They of course squealed with delight (I love the fact that our children are happy with practical gifts and not just toys) and play with them constantly!

My husband was so thoughtful. I am currently pregnant (with a boy due Spring 2006 - we did not mention it on here before now because we did not want family to find out early and they read this blog - we announced in our Christmas card which you can see in my online gallery. Anyways, with me being SOOOOOOO pregnant (you know how it can be) I was not feeling very pretty at all. So my WONDERFUL THOUGHTFUL LOVING AMAZING husband bought me new maternity shirts!! And they are pink!! I always feel so pretty in pink. It made me feel so loved and treasured!

And even though my hormones are all out of whack and I started crying, my husband was so attentive to my needs and concerns! (Ok, can you tell I am married to the most wonderful man in the world?)

I must admit that I was scared of announcing the pregnancy so late to family and friends, but most of them have been so happy and supportive (and understanding). My sister did have her baby and has been enjoying motherhood (although she is realizing quickly that it is a full time job with little sleep). Please do keep her in your prayers.

I must admit with three girls of my own, and having gorwn up in a house where the only man was my daddy, I have no idea what to do with a boy!! LOL!! I am glad God has decided to bless us with a boy, although I have no idea about why His timing for one is now. But I know we will soon find out. I have already begun praying for the grace and knoweledge I need to raise this son into a man of God. I am thankful for all the articles at the No Greater Joy web site (which there are a lot of articles about raising boys into men - seems to be harder than raising girls into women).

I love my girls and I love raising them up to be godly wives and mothers. I must admit that I myself have a LOOOOONG way to go in that area, but am so thankful that God is bigger than me!! :) I know how important it is to be a good example though (especially after reading the JUMPING SHIP articles from the No Greater Joy magazine). But in spite of me, our girls seem to be growing up and loving the Lord and want to be mommies and wives. They pray for God to bless them with a godly man for their husband. And they love practicing being a mommy (taking good care of their dolls). And they love kissing the new baby (although they are actually kissing my belly). :)

Right now, the older is playing with the youngest and working with the new baking set that the youngest was given. They are adding flour and milk and mixing and making pies. The middle one is out on a "date night" with Daddy. We try to allow the girls individual time with each of us. And even though we have three (and one on the way), we are trying harder and harder all the time to make it a priority. They open up so much to us during that one on one time, and it really helps with their behavior. For more information on the imporatance of this, may I recommend a WONDERFUL book called PARENTING CHAMPIONS. It is no longer in print, but it is definately worth searching it out on ebay or (where I got mine).

Well, the girls are tired of bringing me "pies" to taste and now want some Mommy time, so I am off to enjoy my girls!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Christmas Time is Here

Oh how I love this time of year!! Sometimes I am made to feel guilty for enjoying this time of year so much. Other well-meaning Christan women turn into leagalists this time of year.

"Don't you realize that Christmas was started by pegans!"

"Don't you know that Jesus wasn't REALLY born on Christmas day, but more like the middle of summer sometime?!?!"

"We celebrate the birth of Jesus and His life year round and not just once a year."

Oh please give me a break and allow me to celebrate with my family! This is the one time of year that businesses allow time off to visit family. And it is an excuse to decorate the house up nice and big and have parties (one's where we can share the message of Christ without people being totally offended because they know that Christmas is about CHRIST).

It is also a wonderful time to reflect on God and His gift of His Son to us. Just because we celebrate Christmas doesn't mean we aren;t appreciative year round of His birth, life, death and ressurection.

One of our Christmas traditions is based on the Victorian tradition of the Christmas pickle. Christmas Eve, after the children were asleep, the parents would hide a pickle on the tree. Whoever found it got a special prize. We hide a nail (to remind us of the purpose of His birth. Whoever finds it gets to tell us what it means and gets to pick the first present from under the tree to give to someone. We go through gifts ONE at a time (rather than giving all the gifts out and people tearing through them and Christmas is over in 5 minutes). After the first person opens their gift (this allows everyone to see what that person got as well as the gift giver to see the reaction and receive thanks) then they get a gift from under the tree to give to someone. This goes on and on until all the gifts are opened.

I must admit taht when extended family is over, gift giving can take quite a while (sometimes with the young ones, they have to be put down for a nap in the middle of opening gifts). But the HOURS of fun of gift giving is so worth it!! My kids (ages 5 and under) are all so patient as they wait for their turn to open a gift. They also truly enjoy seeing everyone and the gifts they get (the focus is not all about themselves and what THEY got).

My children also love the nativities and tell the story of the birth of Christ. Fisher Price has come out with a nativity that while expensive, lasts so much longer than the other nativities (even cloth) that are out there. I highly suggest you look into buying one. Whether you use it year round, or just the Christmas season. It is safe for one year olds, and fun for all ages (yes, even hubby and I have fun with it).

I also wanted to encourage you to check out my online scrapbook (link at right) to see our Christmas card. My husband is so creative! I also made my inlaws a special gift called GrandKids.

Monday, December 12, 2005

The Only Bad Thing About Flannel Sheets

Is that they are so warm and comfy you never want to get out of bed! I so love cold days and cuddling under the blankets with a good book and some hot cocoa!

Other musings and goings on...

Today is my sisters due date!! With how big that baby is I can't believe she made it this far. This is her first baby. It is going to be a girl. I am so excited for her!! Please keep her in your prayers if you are so led as those of you who are mother's know how daunting it can be! =^)

My husband is back from his week on a business trip. The nice thing about working from hom is we get to see him so frequently. The bad thing is the business trips upto the main company. It really is true that you don't know what you have until it's gone. I SO APPRECIATE AND LOVE MY HUSBAND! I am so thankful that God has blessed me so RICHLY with my husband!

Speaking of husbands, check out the link to the right for the Created To Be His Helpmeet study. We are going to be starting fresh with chaper one at the beginning of the new year! Plenty of time to order and receive your book before the new study starts! I must admit that it has really been helpful to be able to tlak to a bunch of like-minded ladies, especially when I fall in an area and need the support/help.

Also, the Romancing Your Husband list is up and running. It is VERY small and not many posts go through, but when they do, you get some GREAT ideas on loving your husband.

I also have been able to do a few more pages for my online scrapbook!! The link is at the right under MY GALLERY. I have also listed the areas that have been updated.

Well, I am off to continue to clean house and prepare for baking day (Wednesday). I don't know how many people read this (if any), but if any of you are out there, I want to wish you a Merry CHRISTmas!!