Monday, June 27, 2005

Sweet Rebecca (on digital scrapbooking)

For those of you who don't know (and she may not even know it herself), Rebecca (her link is the top one in the other blogs you might be interested in) has been an inspiration and encouragement to me when it comes to blogging. THANK YOU REBECCA!

I still don't know enough about blogging to answer your questions. (Do I reply in the comments or goto your blog and personally email you, etc.??) LOL!

As for digital scrapbooking, yes you can print out the pages. As to my understanding, you can also print out the 12 x 12 layouts. Have I done it? Not yet. Partly because I am scared and partly because I don't know how and partly because we are moving and I don't want to have to worry about one more thing to pack! LOL!. BUT DSP is GREAT with it's help! There is a section on how to print and all you have to do is ask how in the forums and those ladies are so great to SWARM you with answers! :D

As for printing mine out, I am prolly going to load mine up into iPhoto (a program that comes with all new Mac computers) and then send away for a book (they will print it all out and bind it all up with a hardcover and make it look so pretty). Then I can have duplicate copies made for family members (grandma needs her brag book doesn't she?) :D And of course I do plan on putting them into a slideshow and setting it to music and adding it to the home movie I make each year for family and friends.

The ocean theme is my first 12x12, everything else has been 8.5 x 11 so I can print it out. I actually plan on printing some out and framing them (as we have been wanting to get more Scripture up and around the house). And I plan on printing some out as announcements (like of Moriah's dedication - which I am so glad you liked, it was actualy the result of the weekly Scripture challenge - my first one).

Also, I don't know if anyone has noticed, but I added a link to get directly to my gallery on the right hand side. I will let everyone know when my gallery is updated by changing the date there.

There is also a current discussion on faithbooking! I had never heard of this before. There is a lot of info out there. I plan on doing this becuase it is so easy for me to forget the goodness and mercy of the Lord. This will be a great way to REMIND myself of His loving-kindess!

If any one who reads this joins (or already has an account with DSP), PLEASE let me know your username! I would LOVE to check out YOUR pictures and layouts!


Rebecca said...

Awwww..... Thanks! I DIDN'T know but I am SO glad you started one up and have faithfully posted. It is so wonderful to read your blog! (You can comment to my comments in your own comments section, at least, that is what I do anyway!) BTW-remember that post you did about Job's wife? Well, that just really struck me and I was wondering if I might 'steal' that concept to use as I teach in our Women's Group in two weeks? Would you be offended?

About the more much does it cost to print a page? I REALLY like the idea of making a movie set to music as stuff...what a cool present that would be during the holidays-it could even replace a Christmas card if you do it on DVD! Neat!

Paula said...

I would not be offended at ALL with you using the Job post concept! I would LOVE for you to expound on it and share it with others!! :)

As for the scrapbooking, it depends on what kind of page you print and HOW you print it. For example, if you have cheap paper or high quality photo paper. If you use regular ink or photo quality ink. The nice thing about printing these out, is that because they are already archived in the computer, you don't have to worry about archival quality paper. But you do want them to look nice. You can also send away for a book. If you scrap in 12x12, most people print from home in 8x8 OR, someone said that Costco will print it for $2.99 in 12x12 size (which to me seems pretty good as to scrap in paper on 12x12 cost me at least that much per page once you factor in cost of book, ink, colors, scissors, specialty paper for the backgrounds, stamps, etc. :)

We do make a home movie every year. We take clips from video footage and put it to music. I make a "proud momma version" which is about 17 minutes and last for four-five songs, and a "i know you have a life version" which is 4-5 minutes and lasts one song. I do this for each set of grandparents also (so I end up with three sets of movies - one of our immediate family, one of his side, and one of my side). Then in addition to that, I take the best photos we took from the year and do a slideshow for: our immediate family, his side, my side, each set of friends the girls have played with, and nature shots. It usually lasts 4 minutes. Sometimes, if I have too many photos, I will break it down from immediate family to: me and the girls, daddy and the girls, and each individual girl.

With the new Macintosh computers, it is SO EASY to make a home movie and then burn it to DVD. I am able to burn it in such a way that they can plug it into any DVD player and watch it and navigate it like a regular DVD, BUT they can also plug it into their computer and print any of the pictures!

We usually still send a Christmas card, but we don't really write a family letter like we used to (as they can see for themselves in the DVD). :)

A new addition this year will be my new digital scrapbook pictures. I have been learning a LOT! And I am so excited (can you tell?)!! I have, however, been good and restrained myself from talking about it ALL DAY LONG! LOL!!

Thanks again Rebecca for all your encouragement! I think you will really like digi scrapping! You take such COOL and BEAUTIFUL pictures (and of course you got a great subject with those precious kids of yours!).

I hope this helps!