Sunday, August 21, 2005

But Don't You Love to Hear Them Laugh?

Last night, dh gave each of the girls a glow in the dark necklace as he was putting them down for bed (he always puts the girls down every night!). I had heard him say his normal "good night girls, I love you" after he has finished tucking them in, telling them a story and praying with them.

Then the giggles began.

They started out kind of muffled. Like they were trying so desperately not to laugh. Then they burst out loudly, as if they could not contain it any longer or they would burst!

I came upstairs and asked hubby if they were supposed to be asleep. He said "Yeah, but don't you love to hear them laugh?" It's so true. I LOVE TO HEAR MY CHILDREN LAUGH! We went in and gave them five more minutes of laughter and then it was time for bed.

I thought about a show I recently saw. It was one where the mommys switch homes for two weeks. I didn't get to see the whole thing (I am not even sure if the show is around anymore). But there was a mom of two children swapping with a mom of five children. All I saw was when they came home. The mom of five was commenting after being home on what she had missed while she was away. She said "the noise." I had to think about that. The mom of two children returned home to silence. The mom of five returned home to lots of laughter and talking with each other and LOVE!

I notice that too. When one of the children are out with Daddy. It is just too quite around here!!! I gotta have all three of them PLUS Daddy and myself chattering away and laughing away. I LOVE THE NOISE!!


Rebecca said...

So true! There is nothing that fills my heart up with joy as much as when Corynn giggles and laughs her sweet laugh. It is good to not always be so slam-bang do-this and instead be fun-loving. I struggle with this-not enjoying a moment because I am too focused on getting it done...

BTW, I liked the new page you did called 'need help lyrical'. I didn't think it needed help at all (but, hey, I'm not a professional!) I was impressed with all the pictures of you. How ever do you manage to get them? This past weekend I asked my husband to take a picture of me and Corynn and he kindof 'gruffed'. I asked him later why he did that and he said I shouldn't have to ask! But-he never EVER takes my picture. What a predicament. One that I suppose I just won't win. :-)Be VERY VERY thankful you have a hubby who likes photography! ;-)

Paula said...

Rebecca, my husband took them. it was actually my husband's interest in photography that led me to home movies and eventually to digital scrapbooking! i feel bad because there are always lots of pictures of me and the girls and me AND the girls, but very few of him. we were just talking the other night about how that was one of his dreams of what marriage would be - continually learning and enjoying new things together. photography is something we are both continually learning and talking about. it has been a lot of fun and we have gotten some GREAT pictures of nature and of our family. we have more than paid for our digital camera (in all the "practice" shots you have to take to get as good as he is). Just another op for me to share about how great my husband is!! :D

Jamie said...

It is amazing how quiet the house seems with just 1 of my 3 away with daddy. I have been trying to enjoy the noise my children make. I could not imagine a quiet, childless home!!?? What would be the point of having a home?? Jamie from AR egroup