Monday, December 26, 2005

Our Christmas (and more)

What a WONDERFUL Christmas we had! We reenacted the Christmas story as Daddy read from the Bible. The girls even adlibbed (sp?) a lot. It was so great! Then time to find the hidden nail on the tree (see previous post). Our oldest found it and was so excited to tell us about what the nail meant. It reminds us that even though we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ today that His birth had a purpose (resulting in His death and ressurection for our sins).

Then the opening of gitfs. The children were so pleased with their gifts (given to suit their hobbies at this time: drawing, sewing, baking). They of course squealed with delight (I love the fact that our children are happy with practical gifts and not just toys) and play with them constantly!

My husband was so thoughtful. I am currently pregnant (with a boy due Spring 2006 - we did not mention it on here before now because we did not want family to find out early and they read this blog - we announced in our Christmas card which you can see in my online gallery. Anyways, with me being SOOOOOOO pregnant (you know how it can be) I was not feeling very pretty at all. So my WONDERFUL THOUGHTFUL LOVING AMAZING husband bought me new maternity shirts!! And they are pink!! I always feel so pretty in pink. It made me feel so loved and treasured!

And even though my hormones are all out of whack and I started crying, my husband was so attentive to my needs and concerns! (Ok, can you tell I am married to the most wonderful man in the world?)

I must admit that I was scared of announcing the pregnancy so late to family and friends, but most of them have been so happy and supportive (and understanding). My sister did have her baby and has been enjoying motherhood (although she is realizing quickly that it is a full time job with little sleep). Please do keep her in your prayers.

I must admit with three girls of my own, and having gorwn up in a house where the only man was my daddy, I have no idea what to do with a boy!! LOL!! I am glad God has decided to bless us with a boy, although I have no idea about why His timing for one is now. But I know we will soon find out. I have already begun praying for the grace and knoweledge I need to raise this son into a man of God. I am thankful for all the articles at the No Greater Joy web site (which there are a lot of articles about raising boys into men - seems to be harder than raising girls into women).

I love my girls and I love raising them up to be godly wives and mothers. I must admit that I myself have a LOOOOONG way to go in that area, but am so thankful that God is bigger than me!! :) I know how important it is to be a good example though (especially after reading the JUMPING SHIP articles from the No Greater Joy magazine). But in spite of me, our girls seem to be growing up and loving the Lord and want to be mommies and wives. They pray for God to bless them with a godly man for their husband. And they love practicing being a mommy (taking good care of their dolls). And they love kissing the new baby (although they are actually kissing my belly). :)

Right now, the older is playing with the youngest and working with the new baking set that the youngest was given. They are adding flour and milk and mixing and making pies. The middle one is out on a "date night" with Daddy. We try to allow the girls individual time with each of us. And even though we have three (and one on the way), we are trying harder and harder all the time to make it a priority. They open up so much to us during that one on one time, and it really helps with their behavior. For more information on the imporatance of this, may I recommend a WONDERFUL book called PARENTING CHAMPIONS. It is no longer in print, but it is definately worth searching it out on ebay or (where I got mine).

Well, the girls are tired of bringing me "pies" to taste and now want some Mommy time, so I am off to enjoy my girls!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Christmas Time is Here

Oh how I love this time of year!! Sometimes I am made to feel guilty for enjoying this time of year so much. Other well-meaning Christan women turn into leagalists this time of year.

"Don't you realize that Christmas was started by pegans!"

"Don't you know that Jesus wasn't REALLY born on Christmas day, but more like the middle of summer sometime?!?!"

"We celebrate the birth of Jesus and His life year round and not just once a year."

Oh please give me a break and allow me to celebrate with my family! This is the one time of year that businesses allow time off to visit family. And it is an excuse to decorate the house up nice and big and have parties (one's where we can share the message of Christ without people being totally offended because they know that Christmas is about CHRIST).

It is also a wonderful time to reflect on God and His gift of His Son to us. Just because we celebrate Christmas doesn't mean we aren;t appreciative year round of His birth, life, death and ressurection.

One of our Christmas traditions is based on the Victorian tradition of the Christmas pickle. Christmas Eve, after the children were asleep, the parents would hide a pickle on the tree. Whoever found it got a special prize. We hide a nail (to remind us of the purpose of His birth. Whoever finds it gets to tell us what it means and gets to pick the first present from under the tree to give to someone. We go through gifts ONE at a time (rather than giving all the gifts out and people tearing through them and Christmas is over in 5 minutes). After the first person opens their gift (this allows everyone to see what that person got as well as the gift giver to see the reaction and receive thanks) then they get a gift from under the tree to give to someone. This goes on and on until all the gifts are opened.

I must admit taht when extended family is over, gift giving can take quite a while (sometimes with the young ones, they have to be put down for a nap in the middle of opening gifts). But the HOURS of fun of gift giving is so worth it!! My kids (ages 5 and under) are all so patient as they wait for their turn to open a gift. They also truly enjoy seeing everyone and the gifts they get (the focus is not all about themselves and what THEY got).

My children also love the nativities and tell the story of the birth of Christ. Fisher Price has come out with a nativity that while expensive, lasts so much longer than the other nativities (even cloth) that are out there. I highly suggest you look into buying one. Whether you use it year round, or just the Christmas season. It is safe for one year olds, and fun for all ages (yes, even hubby and I have fun with it).

I also wanted to encourage you to check out my online scrapbook (link at right) to see our Christmas card. My husband is so creative! I also made my inlaws a special gift called GrandKids.

Monday, December 12, 2005

The Only Bad Thing About Flannel Sheets

Is that they are so warm and comfy you never want to get out of bed! I so love cold days and cuddling under the blankets with a good book and some hot cocoa!

Other musings and goings on...

Today is my sisters due date!! With how big that baby is I can't believe she made it this far. This is her first baby. It is going to be a girl. I am so excited for her!! Please keep her in your prayers if you are so led as those of you who are mother's know how daunting it can be! =^)

My husband is back from his week on a business trip. The nice thing about working from hom is we get to see him so frequently. The bad thing is the business trips upto the main company. It really is true that you don't know what you have until it's gone. I SO APPRECIATE AND LOVE MY HUSBAND! I am so thankful that God has blessed me so RICHLY with my husband!

Speaking of husbands, check out the link to the right for the Created To Be His Helpmeet study. We are going to be starting fresh with chaper one at the beginning of the new year! Plenty of time to order and receive your book before the new study starts! I must admit that it has really been helpful to be able to tlak to a bunch of like-minded ladies, especially when I fall in an area and need the support/help.

Also, the Romancing Your Husband list is up and running. It is VERY small and not many posts go through, but when they do, you get some GREAT ideas on loving your husband.

I also have been able to do a few more pages for my online scrapbook!! The link is at the right under MY GALLERY. I have also listed the areas that have been updated.

Well, I am off to continue to clean house and prepare for baking day (Wednesday). I don't know how many people read this (if any), but if any of you are out there, I want to wish you a Merry CHRISTmas!!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Where have I been?

Things have been busy over here.

We have taken our house off the market and continue to pray and wait on the Lord for His timing. We know what He is leading us towards, we just don't know WHEN He will make it happen.

All three of the girls have croup. I have never dealt with this before. Thankfully a friend of mine has three sons who constantly had croup growing up. She called me back and gave me some great natrual remedies to try.

I still am not 100% feeling better. Long story there.

A falling out with the in-laws. This has been so painful and a long time coming. It is so sad that there is such feelings between Christians. I fear that things will never be resolved and that we won't be a part of their lives anymore. The Lord knows the siutation, so if you feel led, please pray.

The house has also fallen into disarry with me being sick. The girls do their best to help, but there are still things that I have not taught them how to do yet, that they can't help with. I am so thankful for their help because they really do a lot: wash dishes and load dishwasher, wipe table, set table, sweep the floor, clean their play area and bedrooms, make their beds. They can take the clothes out of the washer and put them in the dryer (SO THANKFUL FOR A FRONT LOADING WASHER/DRYER!!) and they can take clothes out of the dryer . They can somewhat fold clothes and put them in their drawers (although most of that falls on the 5yr old). But they do tend to become somewhat lazy when Momma is not right there along side of them helping too. And Brian can only do so much (he has a full time job which he works from 7AM-6PM when he gets off, makes dinner, feeds all of us, puts the girls to bed, cleans up a little, and then goes back to work till 9PM when he crashes on the bed and sleeps). But I am so grateful and thankful for all he does. I cannot imagine the health hazzard this place would be without him doing what he does!

Anyways, just popping up here to say that I am still around and to thank those of you who emailed me personally to see how I was. I also need to publically thank my dear friend Brenda (you can read her WONDERFULLY inspiring blog - link on the left for Titus2Mentoring) who has been such an example to me during this time. If anyone who reads this blog feels led, please do pray for her.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

My SuperMAN!!

I am in awe of my husband. He has always been a great help around the house (with the housework and taking care of the children), but lately I have been pretty sick and in bed all day (not even able to do my favorite thing - digital scrapbooking)!

It amazes me that he works all day (thankfully he is able to work from home and comes down and makes lunch for the girls and me) and then after work, WITHOUT COMPLAINT or even a hint of displeasure makes dinner for the whole family and cleans up. Now usually I get that on the weekends or a night when I have had a bad day, but this has been going on for a week now! Then he continues to care for the girls and put them down for the night. It is almost like my husband now has two jobs (as most of you know being a mom IS a full time job).

I am so proud of (and in love with) my SuperMAN!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Healthy Living

We are finally getting back to normal after five days in and out of doctor offices, emergency rooms, and a hospital stay. Our little one was sick and we didn't know why. She had a fever over 105F and complaining of her neck and tummy hurting. She was refusing to eat or drink and refusing to take her medication (even fever reducing medication she normally loves because they put so much sugar in it). So we had to check into the hospital.

They hooked her up to an IV (with her tiny little veins that was difficult) which kept her hydrated (and somewhat nourished) and they also had antibiotics going into her.

She is finally back to normal (although a little spoiled from all the movies she watched and the dolls they gave her). The doctors tested her constantly (blood test, sonograms, x-rays, urine and stool tests) and still have no idea what caused her so much pain or her fever to get so high. The blood tests showed no sign of a virus or bacteria. Her urine did have ecoli bacteria in it one day, but not the next. She has stumped the doctors (and us as well).

In July, she had broken her arm. We went back for a two month check-up and the bone was so perfectly healed, that the doctor was amazed. She kept looking closely at the new xrays trying to find where the break was and couldn't. She said that usually didn't happen for at least 6 months.

I know that a lot of it has to do with the prayers that are lifted up for her, but I also believe that some of it is diet related. I have been on a crusade for several years now about the importance of diet in our health. After all that has gone on with our little one, I am now more sure than ever the importance of diet. If you're interested about where the Lord has led us on this journey of health, check out the link at the end of this post. But I want to encourage you to make it a matter of prayer for you and your family. Seek what changes the Lord would have YOU make in the area of diet and health. The abundance of health I have seen in my family as a result of changes in our diet has been absolutely amazing. I am so thankful that we have been open to the Lord in changing this area of our lives.

I have started a Christian women's health group to talk about where the Lord has led us (and others who are the same healthy journey are also on there).

Sunday, August 21, 2005

But Don't You Love to Hear Them Laugh?

Last night, dh gave each of the girls a glow in the dark necklace as he was putting them down for bed (he always puts the girls down every night!). I had heard him say his normal "good night girls, I love you" after he has finished tucking them in, telling them a story and praying with them.

Then the giggles began.

They started out kind of muffled. Like they were trying so desperately not to laugh. Then they burst out loudly, as if they could not contain it any longer or they would burst!

I came upstairs and asked hubby if they were supposed to be asleep. He said "Yeah, but don't you love to hear them laugh?" It's so true. I LOVE TO HEAR MY CHILDREN LAUGH! We went in and gave them five more minutes of laughter and then it was time for bed.

I thought about a show I recently saw. It was one where the mommys switch homes for two weeks. I didn't get to see the whole thing (I am not even sure if the show is around anymore). But there was a mom of two children swapping with a mom of five children. All I saw was when they came home. The mom of five was commenting after being home on what she had missed while she was away. She said "the noise." I had to think about that. The mom of two children returned home to silence. The mom of five returned home to lots of laughter and talking with each other and LOVE!

I notice that too. When one of the children are out with Daddy. It is just too quite around here!!! I gotta have all three of them PLUS Daddy and myself chattering away and laughing away. I LOVE THE NOISE!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


I finally added my first page of my fathbook to my online gallery. It really is hard to document your spiritual journey. The first page was supposed to be about how you came to be a Christian. The next page is about baptism. I haven't done that one yet. I recently found pictures of my baptism. I was baptised when I was born (as all Catholics are), but after coming to know Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I felt that I needed to be baptised of my own choice to show my commitment to Him.

Faithbooking is not new to scrapbooking. But it is new to me. I think it will be a wonderful addition to my albums. A story for my children to know of my faith (and I will also be adding my prayers for each of my children).

I was never really interested in scrapbooking until my first daughter was born. It was then that I realized I wanted to capture every moment/thought/feeling. :) Something I miss from my mom. She has lots of pictures (good for her), but no stories with them. I really need to get together with her and get her to write down on sticky notes about each picture and then put the sticky on top of the picture (which is protected by the plastic cover in those magnetic albums). Then at least we have somewhere to start.

I recently read a formula for a quick and coordinated album (taken from Creative Keepsakes Magazine):
1 neutral colored cardstock for background
1-2 colors of cardstock for matting
1-2 types patterned papers for borders and wide mats (you can also blow up pictures to use as these mats - one of the nice things about digital scrapbooking)
1-2 types of page accents
1 font, set of letter stamps or type of letter stickers for titles

[I]A Side Note: you may have noticed I changed my name from my real name to "P" and now to lvg4him. Hubby felt that we needed to be a bit more private on the web.[/I]

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

So Little Time

Thanks to those of you who have prayed (and are praying). They still have no idea what is wrong and I am supposed to be called sometime this week to set up even more tests. Your prayers are truly appreciated. I realyl want to know what is causing this because it looks like my little two year old might be suffering from the same thing.

With tests and packing (and digi scrapping - trying to catch up on two years of not scrapping!) and cleaning and more packing, I have had little time to post here (or my other boards or reading all your wonderful blogs). I have however been able to enjoy my children!! I am thankful that I am not forgetting THEM in all of this. Yesterday we spent time outdoors (all three girls are outdoorsy, which will make moving to the country easier). They would have stayed out all day EVERY day if I let them. (Just worry about sun damage and all - even with the sun screen.)

I want to leave you with this WONDERFUL article I read about a year ago. It came back into my life recently (and I am so glad it did). It is about APRON EVENAGELISM. You haven't heard of it? Well, this is a MUST read. Even my little girls have started wearing their aprons again (waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too cute!) and I am on the look out for some patterns to make more! I hope it blesses you as much as it has blessed me!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Been Away

Sorry I have not posted lately. For about 15 years now, I have had horrible pain in my chest and frequently "choke" on my food. I fianlly found a doctor who didn't tell me "It was all in my head, to just think 'OPEN OPEN OPEN' and I would be fine." She set me up for a test this past week where she could look into my esophagus. It turns out the my esophagus is not working properly. Instead of constantly working to push the food down, it is still, like one big long solid tube. To top it off, there is something wrong in my stomache (had to do a biopsy, but no worry of cancer - what else could a biopsy be for?). Unfortuneatly I will have to wait for the answers. If you feel led, please pray for me. I have more tests on Friday. Thank you.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Thank You God!

Today I simply could NOT find the hairspray (the one to put in the girl's hair to make it easier to brush through). So I asked my 3 year old child (who was the one who asked me to brush her hair) to find it. So off she went looking. We stilll have our baby monitor's on and I heard her upstairs say "Thank You God!" She then informed me that she had found it. It warms my heart to hear my children thank God for even the smallest of things. It is a good reminder to me that NOTHING is too small for God. :)

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Update on my Mr. Visionary in hiding

Well, I don't know what I did wrong, but his fire for his own business has wained again. BUT, Mr. Visionary is still there. He has some other ideas that he is sharing with me and he is excited about. He can tell that I am scared (who is not scared of change?) :) , and is so cute buying books to get me excited about these new ideas. I am trying. And he does know that I am VERY supportive of him (something that I don't think he really felt from me in this area before). I am sure the excitement will come, and I know it is important to him that not only am I supportive, but excited too.

Digi Scrapping and Paper Scrapping

People ask me if I paper scrap anymore.

I used to but then when my 3rd daughter was born, EVERYTHING went digital. Of course, 2 years ago, digital was not the best quality, so we didn't have very many pictures of her (or anyone else for that matter). I actually started making home movies (which I still enjoy doing).

But now we are totally digital with no prints. So, even though I could prolly print the pictures and then paper scrap them, I would rather save the money from the ink and paper and print out my digi layouts.

Plus, my paper layouts NEVER looked this good! LOL!! :D Most of them are pretty dorky looking. But my daughters love them. :) I need to actually learn how to print out the 12x12 (most print them out in 8x8 which I plan on doing, that size is SO CUTE!) so it looks good and then get a book for them so my children can look through books again.

Plus it is nice because I can print extra copies of the books for my parents (dh's and mine). And I can make smaller layouts and print them on magnets and give them away as gifts. And I don't have to worry about the kids destroying them because I can always print out another copy. I always worried so (and still do) when they look through my paper layouts.

I honestly don't miss the paper scarpping. I was never that good at it. I suppose if I had been better at it, I would do both. But now with making home movies and digi scrapping, I don't think I would have time for paper. I also enjoy quilting, baking and plan to learn to crochet. :D

I do like the idea of printing out some pictures and allowing the children to use the scrapbooking supplies to make their own books. I am gathering up the supplies from my old stash to give my 5 year old (who will be close to 6 at Christmas) a small kit for her to make her own scrapbook. She loves looking at my layouts and I am sure she would enjoy making her own.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Oh Happy Day!

My girls are learning so much so quickly. The saying the children are like spounges is so true! They pick up on everything (even the bad things). I need to be more mindful of my behavior, not just around them but at all times. And I need to be more JOYFUL! Why is it so difficult to be full of joy?

My Man

I just gotta take some time to brag on my man here.

Yesterday evening, I just DID NOT want to cook. I know, it is wrong and selfish. So I asked my husband if he would not mind figuring out something for dinner. He said sure.

Now ladies, if you EVER have tons of stuff in your fridge that is about to go bad and don't know what to do with it, ask your husband to make dinner. LOL! He used everything that was about to go bad and made THE BEST dinner I have had.

He was so adorable! I caught him using the professional chef's trick of wiping the plate to clean it up and make it look pretty. THEN, he took some cheese and sour cream and made this very elegant shape. The presentation was WONDERFUL, and the taste was EXCELLENT!

I need to think of some wonderful way to thank him for such a wonderful dinner and presentation and for NOT MAKING ME COOK! LOL!!

Just some encouragement to brag on YOUR man today!

Friday, July 01, 2005

The Mr. Visionary in my dh waiting to be unleashed

For almost 9 years now, my dh has been tinkering with the idea of starting his own business. It is not that he doesn't like what he does, but there are aspects that he wishes he had more of (like the ability to take the day off when he wants to, work with his brother and close friend, etc.). It is not that I was not supportive of this idea, but I was not supportive of it. I usually jsut smiled and said "that sounds like fun honey."

So earlier this week, he started talking about starting up his business again and asked me to think of names for his company. I had read the [i]Created to Be His Help Meet[/i] book so I knew what to do, sort of. I did think up quite a few names for him. But I guess my lack of enthusiasm was showing or something, because he really didn't persue the idea anymore.

I knew that I had done something wrong. I know my husband has a lot of Mr. Steady in him, but he also has quite a bit of Mr. Visionary that I have pushed and shoved down until I made him fit into a little box that I could lock up and keep him there. Mrs. Pearl was right, that a man would do most anything to make his woman happy. EVen if it meant dying to a part of himself.

Oh how it PAINS me to say that! It saddens me to think of what I have done, but God's light is shinning right on me and this situation, and I can see clearly now what I have done.

SO I asked the yahoo group for help and Shannon shared a WONDERFUL testimony! (BTW - the ladies on this list are so great!)

I was sharing Shannon's story with my husband last night, and I let him know that while I did not expect the same results (I think he felt pressured to do as well), that the main thing that stuck out to me was his happiness and being able to take the day off to go fishing. While he enjoys his work right now, I do know that he does not ALWAYS enjoy it, and he doesn’t always enjoy the hours, and he doesn’t enjoy being passed over for promotion because he is a family man (out of the 50 people that work there, only ONE other person has children and she is a single mom). They are pretty understanding about letting Brian work from home (in a different state), and for letting Brian work from TX (so we can go visit family more often), and letting him have time off in an emergency --- last May one morning we got a call at 7:30 AM our time 9:30AM work time that dh’s dad had just had a heart attack and Bri called work and said he would be taking the week off to be with his dad and they were VERY understanding).

SO last night while we were talking, I mentioned that I know I have not been supportive in the past and may have even been the opposite of supportive. He shook his head yes (which I really had no idea I was THAT unsupportive --- I guess the fact I wasn’t supportive to him meant I was totally unsupportive). I didn’t realize just how much I had hurt him all these years by not being overtly supportive. My husband’s love language includes words of appreciation.

So last night, I apologized and asked his forgiveness and told him that I would be willing to do ANYTHING to help him start his own business. He said that it would take a LOT of time (meaning he would work on it on nights and weekends and would have less time for me and the girls AT FIRST, but that once the company really got going, he would have LOTS more time for us). I must admit that some of my actions in the past have been pretty selfish. I would make dh feel guilty for working long hours. If he was playing on the computer instead of playing with the family, I would again nag him that he should be spending more time with us. SO he gave up a LOT for me (and our family), which he really didn’t have to sacrifice, but he did in order to stop my nagging and in order for me to feel loved. Isn’t that sad that my husband had to give up his musical brilliance of playing the piano in order for me to feel loved. A husband should never have to give up something he loves in order for his wife to feel loved. And now it has been so long since he played, that it would take about a year of practice for him to get back to being as good as he was.

Of course after reading Created To Be His Help Meet, I realize that my behavior was deplorable! He was leery at first to do anything just for himself (like play around on the computer). He still is a bit leery. I just tell him that all he has to do is tell me that he wants to do that (so I don’t feel he is avoiding me) and then go have fun doing it. That has helped him.

So last night in the middle of our conversation (which was going into an hour, but it was really pleasant conversation and very healing), I mentioned what I thought would be a great company name and he got so excited that he couldn’t sleep! He went in and got on the computer (who knows what he did) and was on there all night. Poor thing is conked out in bed right now (another plus to working from home is that he can go into work later than his co-workers).

I am not sure if this is just a phase to grow dh and I in the Lord, or if he really will be starting his own business. But I do know, by God's grace, I will be able to joyfully support him and encourage him no matter what his decision is.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Ready to Talk About It

On Sunday, our 3 year old pushed our two year old down 1 stair which resulted in the break of poor Moriah's arm. I must admit that it didn't REALLY hit me that it was broken and what all that meant until last night she was crying and trying to get her sling off. It just broke my heart and all I have felt like doing is crying since then. Thankfully, we were able to get a dr. appt with the bone doctor for today. Our appt was for 10:30, but I arrive at 9:30 because I was so worried that I might miss the appt (as it was in a place I had never been before) and that my poor little girl would have to suffer longer than necessary. We were able to be seen at 9:35!! Praise the Lord!

Being the girl that she is, she of course chose PINK for her cast color. She did really well. Scared and screaming at first (because two strange people were handling her). But then I got her to touch the first layer of the cast (the soft cottony part they put on before they put the cast on), and she calmed down. She kept touching it and saying "soft" and "pretty" because those were the words I was using while trying to comfort her. Then came the pink cast. She looked in wonder and amazement at them putting on the cast. She didn't cry at all anymore.


They had to shape the cast. They squeezd right on the part of the cast where her arm was broken. :( I could not hold back the tears because I knew that was painful to her. But as soon as the ssqueezing was over she was fine again.

*I am thankful it is her left arm instead of her right (she is right handed).
*I am thankful that she has a high-pain tolerance
*I am thankful that the break is not worse
*I am thankful for an early doctor appointment
*I am thankful that it will heal quickly (the doctor said that it should be healed in four weeks and that by Christmas we won't even know or remember anything had happened).
*I am thankful that this will teach her about the power of prayer
*I am thankful Moriah is so forgiving (she keeps hugging Eleora)
*I am thankful Moriah is so pleasant about all of this

Everytime she falls down (still getting used to the weight of it), she falls right on it and begins to cry in pain. I do however LOVE how she gives me hugs and swings that huge pink cast around my neck. I took lots of pictures (got to have something for my new favorite hobby of digital scrapbooking). I am going to make this one for my faithbook.

It has been difficult to forgive our 3yo. I do love her, and I love on her, and I know that she didn't mean to break her sisters arm. Eleora is just as sweet as can be. But it will be a long time, I fear, before I am not so watchful of her.

I will post pictures soon.

Sweet Rebecca (on digital scrapbooking)

For those of you who don't know (and she may not even know it herself), Rebecca (her link is the top one in the other blogs you might be interested in) has been an inspiration and encouragement to me when it comes to blogging. THANK YOU REBECCA!

I still don't know enough about blogging to answer your questions. (Do I reply in the comments or goto your blog and personally email you, etc.??) LOL!

As for digital scrapbooking, yes you can print out the pages. As to my understanding, you can also print out the 12 x 12 layouts. Have I done it? Not yet. Partly because I am scared and partly because I don't know how and partly because we are moving and I don't want to have to worry about one more thing to pack! LOL!. BUT DSP is GREAT with it's help! There is a section on how to print and all you have to do is ask how in the forums and those ladies are so great to SWARM you with answers! :D

As for printing mine out, I am prolly going to load mine up into iPhoto (a program that comes with all new Mac computers) and then send away for a book (they will print it all out and bind it all up with a hardcover and make it look so pretty). Then I can have duplicate copies made for family members (grandma needs her brag book doesn't she?) :D And of course I do plan on putting them into a slideshow and setting it to music and adding it to the home movie I make each year for family and friends.

The ocean theme is my first 12x12, everything else has been 8.5 x 11 so I can print it out. I actually plan on printing some out and framing them (as we have been wanting to get more Scripture up and around the house). And I plan on printing some out as announcements (like of Moriah's dedication - which I am so glad you liked, it was actualy the result of the weekly Scripture challenge - my first one).

Also, I don't know if anyone has noticed, but I added a link to get directly to my gallery on the right hand side. I will let everyone know when my gallery is updated by changing the date there.

There is also a current discussion on faithbooking! I had never heard of this before. There is a lot of info out there. I plan on doing this becuase it is so easy for me to forget the goodness and mercy of the Lord. This will be a great way to REMIND myself of His loving-kindess!

If any one who reads this joins (or already has an account with DSP), PLEASE let me know your username! I would LOVE to check out YOUR pictures and layouts!

Friday, June 24, 2005

My New Favorite Thing

I used to love scrapbooking. I wasn't very good at it, but I enjoyed what I did, and the girls always enjoyed looking through the books. And I always hated the fact that when I looked through my momma's photo albums, I didn't know who it was or where they were or what they were doing. So when our first daughter was born, I started scrapbooking. I knew that one day, she would look back and know what I was thinking and feeling. She would know all the places she had been, and so on.

Well, fast forward three years and everything went digital. I don't have a single print of our third daughter (although I have HUNDREDS of pictures of her. But with digital, you take WAY more pictures because ... well... YOU CAN! :)

But it was such a trial to go through and find the pictures I liked and print them out and then crop them and all.

So I turned to home movies and slideshows. For those of you who have a Macintosh computer (congrats!), making movies is SO EASY (and extremely FUN!).

That satisfied my scrapbooking urge ... for a while.

But I will still missing telling my story. And the creativity that comes with the layouts in a scrapbook.

The Digital Scrapbook Place

WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! I learned of this site through the MOMYS emails (I am only a RO MOMYS at the time, but prayerfully God will bless us again). There are SEVERAL Christian women on this site. They share their pictures (and they even have a Scripture layout contest weekly!!).

Oh, I cannot express my JOY at finding this site!! Registration is FREE! If you want to see pictures of me and my family, be sure to use my user name (lvg4him). I only have three layouts done (my first three EVER), but I am learning and growing and having so much fun!

They also have FREE tutorials and FREE kits!! They do have classes and a store that you can pay for (which I plan to do once we move and get settled into our new house).

I also plan on turning my scrapbook pages into slideshows set to music (combining my two passions of digital - scrapbooking and movie making).

I hope that this has encouraged/inspired you to check it out. I know you will be so glad you did!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Lessons From My Daughter

Yesterday my husband did something that hurt all of our feelings (and I am sure that there have been more than enough times that I have done the same). The girls were very loving and affectionate towwards him even though they had just been hurt by him. They were excited that he was with them and wanted to be with him.

Later that night, while he was playing checkers with our oldest, he came in the room and said that he felt distant from everyone, everyone except our oldest.

I had to think about that. Why would he feel distant from me and not from our oldest?

Then I realized that I was uncourisouly pushing him away by the fact that I was not going out of my way to be with him. My oldest wanted to play games with him. She wanted to hug and kiss him. She wanted his company and showed it.

I, on the other hand, didn't want to kiss or hug him. I didn't want to play a game with him (although I would have if he asked). I didn't want his company, although I would have been fine if he were in the room. My daughter sought him out to be with him, and I just did my own thing and if he was there, that was fine.

I did all the right things that I couldl think of:
I didn't nag him like I usually do.
I didn't rub in the wrong he had done.
I didn't try to correct him.
I didn't play the Holy Spirit.

But there were things I should have done that I didn't:
I should not have acted so hurt, but shouldl have been more joyful.
I should have loved on him more.
I should have let him know that I enjoy his company.

Learning to love my husband is a process that is lieflong! We have been married almost 9 years and I am still learning to love him as I should and as he needs.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

My Mom (techinically my MIL)

I am so blessed to have a mother in law that I can call mom. We really do have a very loving relationship.

And while she is not perfect (who is?), she has still been an inspiration to me of what it means to be a good help meet.

She is almost a perfect example of what Mrs. Pearl conveys a Help Meet is.

Today I saw two examples in her. The first was that she already had her hair done up for the day, and my girls (video chatting over the computer) commented on how pretty her hair was and they started trying to touch it. Granddad (FIL) started touching her hair in a plyful way (but not really going in and messing it up, just lightly playing with it). My mom just sat there and smiled and laughed right along with the rest of us. It was so honoring to him! It really blessed me!

The second example (all this in just the five minutes we were video chatting) was that my girls started blowing her kisses. She started acting like they blew her away "POW! I cought one. POW! I caught another one!" We were all in stitches. OH how I wish I had that kind of JOY!

That is one of the things that has always stuck out about my inlaws from the very beginning - their love and honoring of one another and their JOY. I can only pray that I continue to change to be more like that!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Would YOU Be Allowed to Live?

I find it VERY interesting that in the book of Job, God allowed Satan basically to do anything (except kill him) to Job and take everything away from him. Satan took all Job's possesions away, his children away, his servants away, his livestock away, most EVERYTHING away, but he left one thing that I find very interesting. He took EVERYTHING from Job EXCEPT his ...


Now why on earth would Satan take away everything that was precious to Job and leave his wife not only alive, but not harmed in any way? Look at how Job's wife behaves! It is almost like she is working for Satan. She is doing nothing to encourage her husband. She is putting him down. She is nagging him. She is trying to get him to curse God and die.

I wonder if Satan were allowed free reign on my husband if he would let me live?

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Lessons in Humility

Lesson One:
I must admit, that I hate to admit, that I never thought of myself as, but I truly am, a prideful woman. I am so thankful, though, for a God who humbles me (in ways that aren't TOO difficult to swallow).

I have been reading some of the other blogs written by women who are on some of the boards I am on. I thought I knew so much about blogging and stuff, but then I look at their sites and they are beautiful! Lots of pictures, nice background, cool links, and on and on. My page, content included, is pretty boring compared to that! LOL!!

So I am going to try to learn HOW they did that (feel free to give me some pointers in the comments section!). Make my page more pleasing to the eye. And share the things that make me look bad (as well as the things that make me look good).

Lesson Two:
I also have learned that I just do not know how to keep house. Another lesson in humility is that my husband is better at keeping house than I am. I never really thought about how dishonoring and unpleasing that is to my husband until after reading the Help Meet book by Debi Pearl.

We are preparing our house to move. That in and of itself is a lesson as we realize we have been horders and storing up worldy items instead of heavenly rewards. Our realtor (a good friend of ours who helped us buy this house six years ago) came through and said a lot of decluttering needed to be done, along with a lot of cleaning, and some painting. He suggested to hire cleaners (sounds good to me!) because I am a busy mom with packing and decluttering the whole house.

As I was looking at what exactly they do, I thought, "I can do that." The only problem is I don't know how. My mother never taught me. So I mentioned to my husband about flying up his grandma to help me and TEACH me HOW to clean. He said that he could teach me.

That is true. My husband's mother made him and his sister and brother clean house every Saturday. Since it is my God-given responsibility to be a keeper at home, I must admit that it is VERY humbling to have your husband show you how to clean.

Lesson Three:
Now that my oldest one is five, I find her doing more and more things I disapprove of. For the most part, she is a wonderful young lady that is striving to please me. But there are times when she is selfish or lazy. And it is humbling to realize that she is mirroring ME. Those are MY traits that I have passed down to her.

I need to remember to be a livinvg example of the Living LORD to her if I want her to grow up to let Jesus shine in her. It is amazing how much of an unspoken influence I have on her. I tell her about what God wants and what the Bible says is expected of our behavior and heart, and yet some of my actions are contradictory to God's word. I know we are all sinners, and I could try to exaplin that to my daughter. But there definately has to be a CHANGE in ME if I want her to know God is REAL.

I know that God has many more lessons more me. I am so thankful for that! If He didn't I would start worrying! But I think that I will stop with these three for now (as my brain is fried just trying to comprehend all the changes I need to make.

Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The JOYS of being a mom

We just got back from a week at Disneyland with our three precious girls. OOOOOHHHHhhhh how WONDERFUL our time was! I can guarntee Disneyland would not been even a fraction as much fun if hubby and I had done it by our lonesomes. The joy and wonder on our children's faces made it a WONDERFUL time! At the end of the fireworks show, my oldest commented "Momma, this was the happiest day ever!" On our way back for a second day at Disneyland, my youngest started screaming "OH YEAH OH YEAH OH YEAH THANK YOU MOMMY!"

This isn't a plug for Disneyland. But it is a reminder to myself of how important having JOY in my children is. Something the Pearl's talk about over and over and OVER again (and yet I am still learning the HOW to of it) is the JOY of being a mom. I want to hear those words everyday!

I recently read an arcitle by Mr. Pearl which talks about Love is Loving What They Love. I highly encourage every mom (and dad) to read this article. It is very convicting.

So today we brought out the "Princess" box. My daughters dressed up like princesses and we danced and laughed. To me, it was the best day ever!

Monday, May 16, 2005


I don't know what is wrong with me. As long as I am reading and learning, I am applying what I am learning. But as soon as the book is over, it doesn't take long for the application to fall away and old habits to return. I was so sensitive to my faults while reading the book. I would slip up and immediatly be convicted. Now, I slip up and almost act as if I have the right to. YUCK!!! I guess the [u]Created to Be His Help Meet[/u] book is one I will have to continually be reading. :)

Friday, April 22, 2005

Always Learning

Since I have been working on being a help meet for my husband (btw - to order the book at a discounted price AND support a ministry I firmly believe in, please click on the CMOMB banner on the right hand side of this page). Ok... back to my story.

Since I have been working on being a help meet for my husband, my husband has been more free with sharing with me. Especially on things concerning child trainning (an area over which I had taken a lot of control). It hurts to know that my husband has felt a certain way about me for some time, but with held it from me because he didn't want to hurt me and to cause an arguement.

It made me really think... why would my husband be so concerned about hurting me? Prolly because I take offense WAY too easily. My husband loves me and would never want to hurt me. But for him to withold information from me, information that can help me be a better mom and wife, means that I have made him think that I would be hurt. My actions have caused him not to share with me.

But it sure does hurt (I guess that is the part of dying to self thing) to see how he views me. And to know he is right. Before hand, if he had shared with me, I would have been totally upset and crying and pouting (selfishly trying to make him feel bad for saying and thinking that about me), and I would have defended myself. Would have pushed my husband away and built up walls between us.

This time, I simply said "You are right. Tell me what to do." There was a little bit of being down (but it wasn't the pouting like I mentioned above). I did try to smile though (the story of the Ugly Hillbilly comes to mind). And because I didn't react in a way that pushed him away, he actually opened up to me last night about other issues that have been bothering him (with us moving and all) that I have been trying to get him to share with me.

I am so thankful that God is working on me! And I am thankful for a patient husband who put up with me for so long! =^) God's word does not return void!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Don't Wait

My husband used to play the piano all the time while we were dating. He had such a free spirit and would go most anywhere and do most anything. He had a lot more of Mr. Visionary in him than he does now. And that is because of me.

I was so jealous of his time on the piano I would make him feel guilty for playing. So because he loves me, he stopped. I thought that was what I wanted. But now, everytime I hear the piano on the radio, I weep at my sin and in rememberance of the beautiful music my husband used to play.

I was so scared of what might happen that whenever he wanted to go somewhere or do something, I would bring up all these complaints. What if we run out of gas? What if we get stuck there and can't get back? What if... I am sure during our years of dating and early marriage I what if'd the Mr. Visionary right out of my husband!! We still do some fun stuff, and we do a lot more planning than before. But there are still missed opportunities because I was so scared.

For example, we were visiting the Balitmore/DC/NY area in 2000. My husband wanted to goto NY, but I was too scared and started in with the what if's. I may not have said them out loud, but in thinking them and fighting with my husband not to goto NY, we didn't go. I had been able to see the Towers back in 1996 (a graduation present from my parents - a trip to NYC.) But now my husband will never be able to see them. He could have if I had just been more submissive and trusting (him and God).

Now we are planning a trip to Disneyland. A lot of people think we should wait a few years and go when the children are older and able to enjoy it more. I used to have those same arguments running through my head. My husband's grandfather and great-grandfather BOTH worked on building the castle. We live only a two days drive from Disneyland (and who knows when we might move and not be so close). So this is my year to plan our family vacation (he planned the honeymoon, I planed our first year, he planed our second year, etc.). I don't want to miss the opportunity for him to visit this place.

I have learned (and been even more convicted since reading Created to Be His Help Meet) to foster that Mr. Visionary inside my husband. I do hope that one day the music from him playing the piano will fill our house daily. And that we will do more fun things as a family (vacations and even little things nearby). I am learning not to what if my husband to death. And I am learning to be more supportive of ALL his sides (Mr. Visionary, Mr. Steady, and Mr. Command).

Monday, April 11, 2005

I just want it to stop

Yesterday my husband and I were stuck indoors because of the blizzard. My husband was getting cups full of snow and bringing them for the girls to eat (How fun to eat snow!). He was using the blender and noticed some black on the blender. He brough me over and long story short, I felt I accused and totally blew up and yelled at him and stormed off in my "You really hurt me" way.

Then my dh was really upset (and understandably so, this crazy woman had just come out of his usually loving and caring wife). He let me know that I was the reason he was so upset and understandably so! I mean I was pouting and trying to make him feel bad for hurting me. I felt accused and rather than staying calm and talking to my husband about it, I flew off the handle. I yelled first (and as I am writing this, I think I am usually the one to yell first or the one to provoke my husband to yell first, either way, I am provoking the arguement).

My oldest started crying and came over to me. I asked her what was wrong (as it was a sincere cry ant not a fake one). She said "I just want it to stop." I asked her what she wanted to stop. "I just want the fighting to stop." OH how my heart broke! "Sweetheart, Mommy and Daddy love each other very much! We just need to work this out honey. Everything will be ok." I was saddened by what I was teaching my daughter. I was not teaching her to love her husband, and I was not teaching her to be obedient and loving to her daddy.

I went to dh and we talked about it and I apologized and asked his forgiveness. ALL of this could have been prevented if we had remembered to use LUV talk. Listen Understand Validate. Gary Smalley came up with this type of communication tool and it has greatly helped our marriage. You can learn more about it here.

Anyone who says divorce doesn't affect children don't know what they are talking about. We only had an argument, and my daughter was a basket case.

Of course while dh and I made up and were hugging, I called my oldests attention to it. I wanted her to feel secure in the love her daddy and I have for each other. She came over and joined us in our hug and we all smiled and laughed and things were well again for our oldest in her world. And things felt pretty good in dh and my world too.


Friday, April 08, 2005

Sisters, Sisters

We are facing a difficult decision in our lives right now about where to move. We of course are praying and want to be submissive to God's will, but we don't know what that is right now. Only that the Lord is leading us to move. And that might mean moving closer to family.

I can't speak for my husband and his relationship with his family, but I will talk about my relationship to that of my sister.

Growing up we fought a lot. I did some horrible things to my sister (nothing jail worthy, but definately not Christian in God's love and mercy). Of course after becoming a Christian, I asked her forgiveness, which she never really said "I forgive you." but more "don't worry about it."

We were never close, and I don't think we will ever have that Hallmark card relationship. I love her and would do most anything for her. I wept with her when she couldn't concive, and wept tears of joy when they did (she is due in early December). But we are not close. I am told my sister tried to get away from me since she was born. She always asked to be in the playpen where I could not reach her.

Which brings me to my three daughters. They are pretty close right now, but I so worry that they will lose sight of the VALUE of a sister relationship. While right now they do love and care for each other deeply, how can I foster that deeper bonding of sisterhood? I mean, when they look at my relationship with my sister, I fear they will see me as a hypocrite. Although I am trying, my sister and I just are not that close.

So hubby and I were talking last night about the importance of stressing that a sister friendship is very valuable. To be gentle and kind and loving to your sister. She will always be your sister. Playing up the importance of sisters. I know that I would love to have all my daughters (and any other children the Lord should bless us with) all living on a huge peice of land, their children playing with their cousins. That they would enjoy living that close and seeing each other that often.

But I also know from personal experience that if I don't encourage the sibling relationship, that it won't happen. There are times when we stay in a hotel or don't come at all because of stressed relations between hubby and I and our siblings. And it is one of the inhibiting factors of us just picking up and moving closer to family. I know it hurts our parents, because it would hurt hubby and I as parents to see our siblings not visiting because they would have to visit with the other siblings.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

So Much More

So for two days now, no mess ups!! Of course, hubby has been working longer hours which means less time together, which means less time for me to mess up. LOL!

It is amazing how much JOY I have in my life. And how much desire and LOVE I have for my husband since reading this book! I have been very convicted and realize just how far I have to go, but all in all, I feel that I now have the tools to make me a better help meet and mother. Beforehand, I just knew that I should be submissive, but didn't really know how. And couldn't really tell when I blew it. But now, I can tell when I blow it (before my dh has to tell me) and can ask forgiveness and change things.

And I never thought that a deeper desire and love for my husband would pop up as a result of this. But that verse in Genesis pops in my head: Gen 3:16 "Your desire shall be for your husband." He is now my desire. I not only desire him physically, but I also desire to please him and serve him and make his life as easy and pleasureable as possible.

I almost cry when I think of all the years I wasted being what I thought was submissive, but was actually digging an early grave for my husband. I feel like I used to be rotteness to his bones. I can look back and even see where my unsubmission and not being a help meet actually caused strained relationships between him and his family. And caused him to think poorly of himself. It is amazing how easily one can think they are being submissive because she is doing what the church ladies say is submission. I am so thankful I have been drawn to God's word as the standard for what it means to be submissive.

But there is so much more to being a help meet than just being submissive. I never realized that before. I always thought if I was being submissive, I was filling my God given role. But God never gave the woman a role of being submissive. He gave her the role of being a help meet - THAT is why she was created. And I was missing the mark by focusing only on submission. That is one tiny (but very important) part of the whole picture.

Monday, April 04, 2005


I know, I know. I sound like a broken record now talking about how great this Created to Be His Help Meet book is. But it is good! :)

So we are doing some major decluttering of the house, and I am one who LOVES books. We do NOT like to get rid of books. I collect them. Hubby collects them. And they seem to reproduce at night on the shelves! LOL!! And with marriage and specifically women in marriage being a topic close to my heart, I have collected several books on the subject. Every time we declutter I have always been hesitant to get rid of them. What if there was ONE thing in there I needed to hear that could help me to be a better wife? What if there is something in there that can help my marriage to be exceptional?

But how much time I would have to waste to read all those books! So after reading Mrs. Pearl's book, I am learning SO MUCH that I realized that most of the books I have are MILK compared to this hunk of meat! So while I am keeping some (which I have read and I would consider good milk to give to baby Christians), I am finally able to release some of these other books.

I am looking through some of them. I know at the time I must have thought it would be a great book to read. But some of them are very feministic in their ideas. Not honoring to God OR my husband at all. So glad I am finally getting rid of them.

I am so excited about all the freedom that comes with this! Freedom with my time (instead of reading those books, I can be enjoying my family or applying what I am learning from Mrs. Pearl's book). Freedom from clutter (more open space and not so much to clean). Freedom from feeling I have to read those books!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Work Work Work

It amazes me how much MORE work I have to do to correct the repercussions of my unsubmission than the work I have to do to die to myself and submit. It would have been much less work to say "what a great idea to plant bulbs honey, how can I help?" than to spend the hours of feeling guilty and bad for saying "we have so much more that needs to be done first" which translated as "what a silly idea and waste of time - you are a silly man for thinking that!" I have spent more time and energy trying to win back my husband's heart and smile with asking forgiveness and seeking for ways to repair the damage I have done to my husband's esteem. Trying to smile (remembering the story of the ugly hillbilly). Making sure he has water while working in the hot sun. Telling him I am proud of him.

I heard somewhere (Gary Smalley I think), that it takes 12 positives to make up for one negative thing spoken. I know that I hurt my husband by my unwillingness to be the help meet God created me to be. And while I have already said 12 things (it is amazing how hard it is to find 12 positive things to do and say when you know you have hurt your man), I know I gotta keep it up. I am still learning and making mistakes and am gonna need some positives in that love bank to cover up those negatives I pray won't come, but know they might.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

What do you want?

Ever since I began reading the book by Mrs. Pearl, DAILY I have been put to the test. I guess God is answering my prayer to make me a doer and not just a hearer of what I am reading. So last night, I asked my husband what he wanted to eat for dinner (I had not yet gotten to chapter 15, which is a huge conviction in my life) and he said that he was going to make himself a salad. Yuck. I am not in the mood for a salad tonight. "But I don't want a salad," I replied hoping he would ask what I want and we could have what I wanted for dinner. He gently reminded me that I had asked what HE wanted for dinner, and that I could have anything I wanted. So, I said "You are right" and went down stairs and washed and cut and dried the lettuce for him to have his own salad. I also made him some Tension Tamer tea. I put the cup of tea next to the bowl of lettuce and left him a note telling him how much I love him and how I am so proud of him, and then ran out to do some errands (I wasn't so hungry after that). =^) I came home to a very happy (and well feed) husband!