Thursday, February 28, 2008

Feb 28, 2008

Gal 1:11-20

I find it interesting that the gospel Paul preaches is not from man (no one told him or taught him). It came directly to him through the **revelation** of Jesus Christ. Paul goes on to talk about who he was (persecuting Christians trying to destroy the church). And then, when it pleased God, He revealed His Son **IN** Paul. And once that was done, Paul did not immediately seek "flesh and blood." He did not find some preacher and ask if this happened and what did it mean and so on and so forth.

I think too often, when God reveals Himself to us, we question it. We seek approval from "flesh and blood." Is it a desire to please man. Maybe it is a lack of faith. Why do we need reassurance when God tells us to do something? Have we become so reliant on "flesh and blood" that we don't have the faith to believe that God really spoke to us?

When I speak to my children, they know I am speaking to them. They know my voice so well, that they don't have to ask, "Is that you Momma?" They say "Yes Ma'am." Why cannot we not do the same with our Heavenly Father? When He speaks to us, why do we question if it is Him? Why cannot we not answer "Speak Lord, for your servant hears!"?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Feb 27, 2008

Galatians 1:10 "For do I now persuade me, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a servant of Christ."

Paul wrote this right after warning others to not accept any other gospel than the one he has preached.

Are people accepting a different gospel in order to be a people pleaser?

I find it interesting that he says "for if I still pleased men." Meaning that at one time in his life, he sought to please men. He did things to please others. Paul was considered one of the most godly men in his persecution of Christians before his conversion.

I think we all struggle with the desire to please others. Why? Because we get recognition when we do. I know my daughter strives to please me. But I would much rather her be a servant of Christ. Her serving Christ would please me one hundred times over what ever earthly thing she has done to please me.

I find it interesting that you cannot please men AND be a servant of Christ. Of course I believe that in serving Christ, others can be brought pleasure (like serving Christ by giving a coat to someone in need brings that person pleasure, but it was done in service to the Lord and not out of any selfish ambition).

I think the trouble comes in when you cannot serve two masters. You will love the one and hate the other. When you are pleasing others, you are in service to man (be it the other person or yourself).

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A New Direction

I stopped blogging on this blog for a while and blogged on another homeschooling blog for a while, and now, I am mostly blogging on my main blogHeartyWorks.

But I want to keep a daily log of my walk with the Lord.

I don't mind comments on the posts, but as this is my personal growth and walk with the Lord, all comments will be moderated. I do not a different opinion. But I truly believe that one day one person can read a verse and the Lord will speak something to them, and then a different day that same person can read the same verse and the Lord will reveal something completely different to him.

I have taken the approach of reading just a little bit at a time, and delving deeply into it, rather than trying to read huge chunks at a time. My goal is not to read through the Bible in a certain amount of time, but to apply as much of God's word to my life as possible. Reading little bits and creating personal application will allow me to do that.

You are welcome to come along for the ride. And if you are blessed, I would love it if you shared with me. And if you have the same struggles, I would love to hear how you overcame.