Thursday, June 09, 2005

Lessons in Humility

Lesson One:
I must admit, that I hate to admit, that I never thought of myself as, but I truly am, a prideful woman. I am so thankful, though, for a God who humbles me (in ways that aren't TOO difficult to swallow).

I have been reading some of the other blogs written by women who are on some of the boards I am on. I thought I knew so much about blogging and stuff, but then I look at their sites and they are beautiful! Lots of pictures, nice background, cool links, and on and on. My page, content included, is pretty boring compared to that! LOL!!

So I am going to try to learn HOW they did that (feel free to give me some pointers in the comments section!). Make my page more pleasing to the eye. And share the things that make me look bad (as well as the things that make me look good).

Lesson Two:
I also have learned that I just do not know how to keep house. Another lesson in humility is that my husband is better at keeping house than I am. I never really thought about how dishonoring and unpleasing that is to my husband until after reading the Help Meet book by Debi Pearl.

We are preparing our house to move. That in and of itself is a lesson as we realize we have been horders and storing up worldy items instead of heavenly rewards. Our realtor (a good friend of ours who helped us buy this house six years ago) came through and said a lot of decluttering needed to be done, along with a lot of cleaning, and some painting. He suggested to hire cleaners (sounds good to me!) because I am a busy mom with packing and decluttering the whole house.

As I was looking at what exactly they do, I thought, "I can do that." The only problem is I don't know how. My mother never taught me. So I mentioned to my husband about flying up his grandma to help me and TEACH me HOW to clean. He said that he could teach me.

That is true. My husband's mother made him and his sister and brother clean house every Saturday. Since it is my God-given responsibility to be a keeper at home, I must admit that it is VERY humbling to have your husband show you how to clean.

Lesson Three:
Now that my oldest one is five, I find her doing more and more things I disapprove of. For the most part, she is a wonderful young lady that is striving to please me. But there are times when she is selfish or lazy. And it is humbling to realize that she is mirroring ME. Those are MY traits that I have passed down to her.

I need to remember to be a livinvg example of the Living LORD to her if I want her to grow up to let Jesus shine in her. It is amazing how much of an unspoken influence I have on her. I tell her about what God wants and what the Bible says is expected of our behavior and heart, and yet some of my actions are contradictory to God's word. I know we are all sinners, and I could try to exaplin that to my daughter. But there definately has to be a CHANGE in ME if I want her to know God is REAL.

I know that God has many more lessons more me. I am so thankful for that! If He didn't I would start worrying! But I think that I will stop with these three for now (as my brain is fried just trying to comprehend all the changes I need to make.

Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I am a newbie at the whole blogging thing too...but I can give you SOME pointers. You can add pictures if you download a photo program. I use Hello and have found that to be the easiest. Just go to It will show you how to download the program to your computer (for free) and you will then be able to post pictures.

As for links-I haven't figured that one out yet but I think it has something to do with your profile page. When you sign in to create a post, to the right you will see a box saying Edit Profile. You can add a picture, links, interests and hobbies and all sorts of neat stuff to it.

What blogs do you read? I am looking to see some new ladies with lives much in accordance with mine.

I hope you find this stuff helpful. I will save the very cool stuff for the technical ones. :-)