Monday, June 27, 2005

Ready to Talk About It

On Sunday, our 3 year old pushed our two year old down 1 stair which resulted in the break of poor Moriah's arm. I must admit that it didn't REALLY hit me that it was broken and what all that meant until last night she was crying and trying to get her sling off. It just broke my heart and all I have felt like doing is crying since then. Thankfully, we were able to get a dr. appt with the bone doctor for today. Our appt was for 10:30, but I arrive at 9:30 because I was so worried that I might miss the appt (as it was in a place I had never been before) and that my poor little girl would have to suffer longer than necessary. We were able to be seen at 9:35!! Praise the Lord!

Being the girl that she is, she of course chose PINK for her cast color. She did really well. Scared and screaming at first (because two strange people were handling her). But then I got her to touch the first layer of the cast (the soft cottony part they put on before they put the cast on), and she calmed down. She kept touching it and saying "soft" and "pretty" because those were the words I was using while trying to comfort her. Then came the pink cast. She looked in wonder and amazement at them putting on the cast. She didn't cry at all anymore.


They had to shape the cast. They squeezd right on the part of the cast where her arm was broken. :( I could not hold back the tears because I knew that was painful to her. But as soon as the ssqueezing was over she was fine again.

*I am thankful it is her left arm instead of her right (she is right handed).
*I am thankful that she has a high-pain tolerance
*I am thankful that the break is not worse
*I am thankful for an early doctor appointment
*I am thankful that it will heal quickly (the doctor said that it should be healed in four weeks and that by Christmas we won't even know or remember anything had happened).
*I am thankful that this will teach her about the power of prayer
*I am thankful Moriah is so forgiving (she keeps hugging Eleora)
*I am thankful Moriah is so pleasant about all of this

Everytime she falls down (still getting used to the weight of it), she falls right on it and begins to cry in pain. I do however LOVE how she gives me hugs and swings that huge pink cast around my neck. I took lots of pictures (got to have something for my new favorite hobby of digital scrapbooking). I am going to make this one for my faithbook.

It has been difficult to forgive our 3yo. I do love her, and I love on her, and I know that she didn't mean to break her sisters arm. Eleora is just as sweet as can be. But it will be a long time, I fear, before I am not so watchful of her.

I will post pictures soon.

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