Monday, April 04, 2005


I know, I know. I sound like a broken record now talking about how great this Created to Be His Help Meet book is. But it is good! :)

So we are doing some major decluttering of the house, and I am one who LOVES books. We do NOT like to get rid of books. I collect them. Hubby collects them. And they seem to reproduce at night on the shelves! LOL!! And with marriage and specifically women in marriage being a topic close to my heart, I have collected several books on the subject. Every time we declutter I have always been hesitant to get rid of them. What if there was ONE thing in there I needed to hear that could help me to be a better wife? What if there is something in there that can help my marriage to be exceptional?

But how much time I would have to waste to read all those books! So after reading Mrs. Pearl's book, I am learning SO MUCH that I realized that most of the books I have are MILK compared to this hunk of meat! So while I am keeping some (which I have read and I would consider good milk to give to baby Christians), I am finally able to release some of these other books.

I am looking through some of them. I know at the time I must have thought it would be a great book to read. But some of them are very feministic in their ideas. Not honoring to God OR my husband at all. So glad I am finally getting rid of them.

I am so excited about all the freedom that comes with this! Freedom with my time (instead of reading those books, I can be enjoying my family or applying what I am learning from Mrs. Pearl's book). Freedom from clutter (more open space and not so much to clean). Freedom from feeling I have to read those books!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I hate how many books we accumulate. My hubby and I are also avid book coveters. This madness must stop. We have boxes of books that we haven't had in two years but my DH won't let me get rid of. Many are textbooks, and since we plan to homeschool, he thinks we should save them. ARGH!
Glad to here you are enjoying Debi Pearl's book. It is always wonderful to find a resource that suits you so well.