Friday, April 08, 2005

Sisters, Sisters

We are facing a difficult decision in our lives right now about where to move. We of course are praying and want to be submissive to God's will, but we don't know what that is right now. Only that the Lord is leading us to move. And that might mean moving closer to family.

I can't speak for my husband and his relationship with his family, but I will talk about my relationship to that of my sister.

Growing up we fought a lot. I did some horrible things to my sister (nothing jail worthy, but definately not Christian in God's love and mercy). Of course after becoming a Christian, I asked her forgiveness, which she never really said "I forgive you." but more "don't worry about it."

We were never close, and I don't think we will ever have that Hallmark card relationship. I love her and would do most anything for her. I wept with her when she couldn't concive, and wept tears of joy when they did (she is due in early December). But we are not close. I am told my sister tried to get away from me since she was born. She always asked to be in the playpen where I could not reach her.

Which brings me to my three daughters. They are pretty close right now, but I so worry that they will lose sight of the VALUE of a sister relationship. While right now they do love and care for each other deeply, how can I foster that deeper bonding of sisterhood? I mean, when they look at my relationship with my sister, I fear they will see me as a hypocrite. Although I am trying, my sister and I just are not that close.

So hubby and I were talking last night about the importance of stressing that a sister friendship is very valuable. To be gentle and kind and loving to your sister. She will always be your sister. Playing up the importance of sisters. I know that I would love to have all my daughters (and any other children the Lord should bless us with) all living on a huge peice of land, their children playing with their cousins. That they would enjoy living that close and seeing each other that often.

But I also know from personal experience that if I don't encourage the sibling relationship, that it won't happen. There are times when we stay in a hotel or don't come at all because of stressed relations between hubby and I and our siblings. And it is one of the inhibiting factors of us just picking up and moving closer to family. I know it hurts our parents, because it would hurt hubby and I as parents to see our siblings not visiting because they would have to visit with the other siblings.

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