Friday, April 22, 2005

Always Learning

Since I have been working on being a help meet for my husband (btw - to order the book at a discounted price AND support a ministry I firmly believe in, please click on the CMOMB banner on the right hand side of this page). Ok... back to my story.

Since I have been working on being a help meet for my husband, my husband has been more free with sharing with me. Especially on things concerning child trainning (an area over which I had taken a lot of control). It hurts to know that my husband has felt a certain way about me for some time, but with held it from me because he didn't want to hurt me and to cause an arguement.

It made me really think... why would my husband be so concerned about hurting me? Prolly because I take offense WAY too easily. My husband loves me and would never want to hurt me. But for him to withold information from me, information that can help me be a better mom and wife, means that I have made him think that I would be hurt. My actions have caused him not to share with me.

But it sure does hurt (I guess that is the part of dying to self thing) to see how he views me. And to know he is right. Before hand, if he had shared with me, I would have been totally upset and crying and pouting (selfishly trying to make him feel bad for saying and thinking that about me), and I would have defended myself. Would have pushed my husband away and built up walls between us.

This time, I simply said "You are right. Tell me what to do." There was a little bit of being down (but it wasn't the pouting like I mentioned above). I did try to smile though (the story of the Ugly Hillbilly comes to mind). And because I didn't react in a way that pushed him away, he actually opened up to me last night about other issues that have been bothering him (with us moving and all) that I have been trying to get him to share with me.

I am so thankful that God is working on me! And I am thankful for a patient husband who put up with me for so long! =^) God's word does not return void!

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