Thursday, July 14, 2005

Digi Scrapping and Paper Scrapping

People ask me if I paper scrap anymore.

I used to but then when my 3rd daughter was born, EVERYTHING went digital. Of course, 2 years ago, digital was not the best quality, so we didn't have very many pictures of her (or anyone else for that matter). I actually started making home movies (which I still enjoy doing).

But now we are totally digital with no prints. So, even though I could prolly print the pictures and then paper scrap them, I would rather save the money from the ink and paper and print out my digi layouts.

Plus, my paper layouts NEVER looked this good! LOL!! :D Most of them are pretty dorky looking. But my daughters love them. :) I need to actually learn how to print out the 12x12 (most print them out in 8x8 which I plan on doing, that size is SO CUTE!) so it looks good and then get a book for them so my children can look through books again.

Plus it is nice because I can print extra copies of the books for my parents (dh's and mine). And I can make smaller layouts and print them on magnets and give them away as gifts. And I don't have to worry about the kids destroying them because I can always print out another copy. I always worried so (and still do) when they look through my paper layouts.

I honestly don't miss the paper scarpping. I was never that good at it. I suppose if I had been better at it, I would do both. But now with making home movies and digi scrapping, I don't think I would have time for paper. I also enjoy quilting, baking and plan to learn to crochet. :D

I do like the idea of printing out some pictures and allowing the children to use the scrapbooking supplies to make their own books. I am gathering up the supplies from my old stash to give my 5 year old (who will be close to 6 at Christmas) a small kit for her to make her own scrapbook. She loves looking at my layouts and I am sure she would enjoy making her own.

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