Sunday, July 10, 2005

My Man

I just gotta take some time to brag on my man here.

Yesterday evening, I just DID NOT want to cook. I know, it is wrong and selfish. So I asked my husband if he would not mind figuring out something for dinner. He said sure.

Now ladies, if you EVER have tons of stuff in your fridge that is about to go bad and don't know what to do with it, ask your husband to make dinner. LOL! He used everything that was about to go bad and made THE BEST dinner I have had.

He was so adorable! I caught him using the professional chef's trick of wiping the plate to clean it up and make it look pretty. THEN, he took some cheese and sour cream and made this very elegant shape. The presentation was WONDERFUL, and the taste was EXCELLENT!

I need to think of some wonderful way to thank him for such a wonderful dinner and presentation and for NOT MAKING ME COOK! LOL!!

Just some encouragement to brag on YOUR man today!

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